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Prolozone: Welcome

Ozonotherapy is the use of medical-grade ozone, a highly reactive form of pure oxygen, to create a curative response in the body.  The body has the potential to renew and regenerate itself. When it becomes sick it is because this potential has been blocked. The reactive properties of ozone stimulate the body to remove many of these impediments thus allowing the body to do what it does best heal itself.


Ozonotherapy has been and continues to be used in European clinics and hospitals for over fifty years.  Ozone was in regular medical usage in the United States before 1885 as reported in the Florida Medical Association.  Therefore, ozone predates the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act and the FDA.  Thus, ozone for medical usage is grandfathered in the United States and held perfectly legal for use without censure. With the advent of antibiotics, ozone therapy faded from routine use in the US.  In the early 80’s, USA was re-introduced and has been increasingly used since. Recently, the International Scientific Committee on Ozonotherapy (ICO3) was formed to help establish standardized scientific principles for ozonotherapy. It has been found useful in various diseases:


  • Kills bacteria, fungi and viruses at lower concentrations than chlorine (1 molecule of ozone = 3,000 to 10,000 molecules of chlorine) and kills 3500 times faster than chlorine.  Also been shown to kill parasites.


  • Oxidizes toxins including phenolics (poisonous compounds of methanol and benzene), pesticides, detergents, chemical manufacturing wastes and aromatic compounds more rapidly and effectively than chlorine without chlorine’s harmful residues (trihalomethanes, etc.).


  • Immune system activation while reducing inflammation.


  • Improves cellular oxygen utilization through increasing oxygen delivery and reducing oxidative stress  conditions which address an underlying cause of cardiovascular and neurologic diseases, degeneration, aging, and cancer.  As expected, systemic ozone significantly improves athletic performance.


  • It causes the release of growth factors that stimulate regeneration of damaged joints and degenerative discs. Increases fibroblastic activity to help expedite repair.


  • Reduce or eliminate chronic pain in many cases through its action on pain receptors.


  • Healing effects have been demonstrated and published for interstitial cystitis, chronic hepatitis, inflammatory colitis, herpes, HPV, dental infections, diabetes, kidney glomerulonephritis, retinitis pigmentosa, macular degeneration, gangrene, toenail fungus,Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s disease, and many more.


Oxygen as a single atom is deficient in electrons. This makes the atom very unstable, and as a result single oxygen atoms cannot exist in nature all by themselves  at least not for more than nanoseconds. However, two oxygen atoms can join together to share electrons, and this combination forms a very stable molecule referred to as O2. This is the stable form of oxygen that is found in the atmosphere.


When an energetic force, such as electricity or ultra-violet light, is imposed upon a molecule of O2, the two oxygen atoms are temporarily split apart into single oxygen atoms. Then, in a matter of nanoseconds these highly unstable oxygen atoms will pair up again and reform back into O2 molecules. But a small percentage of them will unite in a manage-a-trio known as ozone. Thus, ozone, referred to as O3, is a molecule that consists of three oxygen atoms all sharing the same electrons. Because there just are not enough electrons to go around and keep three oxygen atoms completely happy, ozone is a relatively unstable molecule. This instability has powerful biological activity.


How is medical grade ozone made? 

Medical ozone is made by passing pure oxygen gas through a crystal tube through which an electrical spark is directed. The electrical energy breaks apart the oxygen molecules as described above, and what emerges from the other side is a mixture of pure oxygen and ozone.


Ozone can also be infused directly into veins or indirectly through AutoHemotherapy, through ears (for sinus and upper respiratory tract conditions), insufflated into the GI tract (for colitis, liver conditions, and throughout the body), applied topically (as an oil), or injected into joints, trigger points, etc.

Prolozone is a homeopathic/oxygen injection technique developed and pioneered by Dr. Frank Shallenberger. It is excellent for all forms of musculoskeletal and joint pain including chronic neck and back pain, rotator cuff injuries, degenerative and arthritic knees, degenerated discs, and shoulder and elbow pain. Prolozone seems to actually correct the pathology of the disorder, and according to Dr. Shallenberger there is a 75% chance for the chronic pain sufferer to becoming permanently pain free.

What is Prolozone? 

Prolozone is derived from the Latin word “proli” which means to regenerate or rebuild, and the word ozone. As mentioned earlier, ozone is a highly active form of oxygen that appears to powerfully promote the repair and regeneration of damaged tissues, joints, ligaments, and tendons. This usually initiates healing and a permanent end to pain. This seemingly provides a curative result assuming that any other contributing factors such as infection, misaligned gait and movement, nutrient deficits, etc. are successfully managed.


How Does Prolozone Work?

The reason that some injuries completely heal and others don’t has to do with circulation and healing voltage/energy. In order for a damaged area of the body to regenerate and heal, it must have vitamins, minerals, and other co-factors needed for repair, oxygen, circulation, the healing voltage/energy, and often times the signal (the instructions) to heal. Prolozone supplies oxygen and healing voltage/energy.

Conditions That Can Be Treated With Prolozone: 

Prolozone works on just about any pain problem: Neck pain, whiplash, degenerated or herniated discs, low back pain, plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, torn tendons, TMJ syndrome, sciatica, heel spurs, neuromas, tennis elbow, rotator cuff tears, knee injuries, bone fractures, and virtually any other sports injury. Prolozone has also been helpful as an adjunct therapy for interstitial cystitis, pelvic floor dysfunction, and lymphatic congestion. Because prolozone treatments may also result in cartilage regeneration, it may be effective even for severe cases of osteoarthritis of the knee. Prolozone is not just for pain relief  it actually represents a permanent fix.

What to expect from a Prolozone procedure?

Providing the biochemical components for repair with proper foods and nutrients is the first step. If that is not enough, consider prolozoneto supply oxygen. Low levels of oxygen cause lactic acid accumulation, which is often what causes pain. Prolozone as done by Dr. Kaslow has three separate and synergistic procedures all done at a single 15-30 visit. Only one joint or joint area is done per visit.

1.     Procaine (a common local anesthetic) combined with micro-dosages of anti-inflammatory remedies (such as Traumeel, Zeel, etc.) are injected into the injured area to temporarily stop pain, reduce inflammation and swelling, and improve circulation. In some cases, 1 drop of an anti-inflammatory steroid is included in this initial injection. Once this mixture is injected, the joint is gently moved around to ensure maximum delivery. This alone may be markedly beneficial.

2.    Next, the area is infiltrated with a mixture of medical ozone/oxygen. Because ozone is a charged molecule, it also provides healing electrons (energy). The result is that the tissues get a strong signal to heal. As they heal, circulation is re-established and the restoration of function and structure follows as nature intended.

3.    After the injections, a low level laser is applied to the area for about 7-10 minutes. The laser sends the tissue information and directions to repair and rejuvenate itself. This is a form of Photon Directed Action.

Is Prolozone the Same as Prolotherapy? 

No. Prolozone uses oxygen to create a healing. Prolotherapy uses inflammation to stimulate repair. Dr. Shallenberger used to use prolotherapy. Although he found that it was often effective, it had the following limitations. Prolotherapy is extremely painful. Pain usually persists for days to weeks after a treatment. Patients receiving prolozone feel immediate improvement with very little to any pain at all during the treatments. Prolotherapy requires many injections, whereas prolozone only requires a few. The response to treatment varies from person to person, but most people only need from 3-5 treatments. In our office 3-4 treatments is the norm but every case is unique. Thirdly, prolotherapy usually does not regenerate cartilage in damaged/degenerated joints whereas prolozone has been shown on x-rays to increase cartilage (even when the x-rays show “bone on bone”). Overall, prolozone is faster, less painful, more restorative, and much less expensive than traditional prolotherapy.


Do I need to have a full work-up or can I come in just for prolozone or ozonotherapy? 

While ozone is a powerful and stand-alone procedure, it is not a cure-all and there are circumstances in which it will not provide a predictably satisfactory result. Our new consultation includes assessments that help us determine many of the causative and contributing co-factors that led to your condition. Nearly everyone benefits from supportive strategies that allow, enable, or enhance healing. Our management approach is part of why we are successful and seemingly much more so than others.


What if I already have a medical doctor, naturopath, chiropractor, acupuncturist, etc. that serves as my primary provider?

 While I am certainly open to consider specific suggestions, my experience is that preconceived ideas and information obtained from a variety of sources (internet, friends, para-professionals, etc.) are not always the most efficient or effective strategy. That is not to say I discount the instincts or wishes of my patients. Rather, I try to avoid jumping to conclusions or just treating symptoms. Health requires addressing the underlying causes.


If you have been evaluated by a professional that Dr. Kaslow knows and you provide objective tests that provide a comprehensive understanding of your situation, Dr. Kaslowmay consider that information adequate. If that is the case, have a licensed doctor supply you with a prescription for either procedure and we will honor it accordingly.


Here is what is needed for prolozone:


  1. An x-ray, CT-scan, or a MRI report assessing joint(s) in question.

  2. Laboratory results that indicate or exclude relevant contributing factors such as a C-Reactive Protein (CRP), sedimentation rate (ESR), Complete Blood Cell count with differential (CBC), rheumatoid factor (RF), anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA), screen for Lyme and related microbes,

  3. If available, any consult reports from orthopedic surgeons, etc.


Which joints are suitable for prolozone? 

The knees and ankles seem to respond best. The shoulder joint, low back, lower cervical spine, and elbow are also responsive and the majority of patients show significant improvement. The wrists and bases of the thumb are often helped, but not with the same consistency. Because the hip joints do not reliably improve, I discourage prolozone for hip conditions. I have not yet injected the TMJ but it is straight forward and reportedly responds well. It is not recommended that knee joints with effusion (fluid) to receive intra-articular ozone.


How many prolozone injections are needed? 

For many, a single injection is adequate. The relief of symptoms is satisfactory and they do not need re-treatment. Other patients request repeated injections to promote greater joint rejuvenation. There is not a limit to the number of prolozone injections one can receive but the most I have given any one joint is four injections, with incremental improvement seen after each session. It is my opinion, that if you need more than 3-4 prolozone injections into one area and there has not been improvement, there are other factors that should be addressed prior to continuing. This is one of the reasons that the full evaluation can be insightful.


How much does prolozone cost? 

For the procedure itself, the cost is $150-180 per joint region even if there are multiple injections for an area (such as the low back, ankle, shoulder, etc.).There is an additional charge for supplies (~$35.00). I respect your financial resources and encourage you to go to the ‘Services Offered’ webpage and clicking the link to ‘common fees’ near the bottom of the page. We charge the same for all patients regardless of insurance, cash payment, etc

Prolozone: Welcome

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