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Metal Toxicity

Metal Toxicity: Welcome

Paraphrased from Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, Ph.D.’s article in Explore! Volume 10, 2000


In the late phase of the Roman Empire, it was considered a privilege of the reigning aristocracy to drink out of lead cups and many of the water lines in the city of Rome were made out of lead pipes. It took several hundred years before the physicians of the time established the link between mental illness — affecting mostly the aristocracy — and the contamination of the drinking water with lead. In the 1700s, the use of mercury for the treatment of both acute and chronic infections gained favor and again, it took decades before the toxic effects of mercury were recognized within the medical community. In the time of Mozart, who died of mercury toxicity during a course of treatment for syphilis, any pathologist in Vienna was familiar with the severe grayish discoloration of organs in those who died from mercury toxicity and other organ-related destructive changes caused by mercury.


In the case of mercury, the therapeutic dilemma is most clear. Mercury can be used to treat infections, but – not unlike modern chemotherapy — also causes a different type of illness and may kill the patient. The same is true for most metals; small doses may have a therapeutic effect for a short term, life saving direction, but may also cause their own illness. Most metals have a very narrow therapeutic margin before their neurotoxic (and in some cases carcinogenic effect) outweigh the benefits. Toxic metals can be used to kill fungi, bacteria, and maybe even viruses. However, many of these microbial invaders adapt to a toxic metal environment.


Unfortunately we do not adapt so readily – toxic metals harm the cells of the body whereas the invading microorganisms can often thrive in a heavy metal environment. Research shows that microorganisms tend to congregate in those body compartments that have the most toxic metals. This is in part because the body’s own immune cells are incapacitated in those areas whereas the microorganisms multiply and thrive in an undisturbed way. The teeth, jawbone, Peyer’s lymphoid patches in the gastrointestinal wall, the ground-system (connective tissue) and the autonomic ganglia are common sites of metal storage and the place where microorganisms thrive. Furthermore, those bodily areas are also vasoconstricted (the blood vessels are in spasm) and hypoperfused (reduced blood flow) by blood, nutrients and oxygen, which foster the growth of anaerobic germs, fungi and viruses.


The list of symptoms of mercury toxicity alone, published by DAMS (Dental Amalgam Support Group) includes virtually all illnesses known to humankind. Chronic fatigue, depression and joint pains are the most common on the list. Mercury alone can mimic or cause any illness currently known or at least contribute to it.


Through the use of the PCR test (polymerase chain reaction) virtually any illness seems to be caused or contributed to by a chronic infection. A study performed by the VA Administration (published in JADA, April 1998) on 10,000 US veterans, showed that most coronary heart disease really starts as an infection of endothelial cells (cells lining of the blood vessel) and, in most cases was caused by microorganisms from the mouth. Another study showed that close to 70% of all TMJ syndromes in women are caused or contributed to by Chlamydia trachomatis. Childhood diabetes is often caused by either a Cytomegalovirus or influenza virus infection.


Combining these two observations suggests that diagnosing and removing treating toxic metals should be combined with treatment of the microorganisms. As long as compartmentalized toxic metals are present in the body, microorganisms have a fortress that cannot be conquered by antibiotics, Enderlein remedies, ozone therapy, UV light therapy etc..


To diagnose metal deposits in the different body compartments on a living patient is not easy. Most “scientific” tests are based on grinding up tissue and then examining it with a microscope, spectroscopy or other laboratory-based procedures. This is of course is impractical, so we have to rely on the next best option – analysis of hair, blood, and/or urine. The metals found most commonly are:


  • Mercury

  • Lead

  • Aluminum

  • Cadmium


Among the detoxifying agents most commonly used are DMPS, DMSA, Captomer Ò, D-Penicillamine, I.V. vitamin C, I.V. Glutathione, sulfur compounds such as DL-Methionine (Redoxal and Cysteine, branched chain amino acids, Chlorella Pyrenoidosa, PorphrazymeÒ , ModufilinÒ, Pro-AlgenÒ, ChitosanÒ, activated charcoal, cilantro and yellow dock. Dr. Kaslow now uses NDF Mier Chelator drops that are extremely safe and effective. Other non-biochemical approaches to reduce metal levels include electro-mobilization (using the Electro-Bloc).

Effective therapy thus must incorporate the following:


  1. Diagnosing the site of toxic metal compartmentalization

  2. Diagnosing the exact type of metal

  3. Determining the most appropriate and least toxic metal removal agent

  4. Determining other appropriate synergistic methods and agents (i.e., kidney drainage remedies, blood protective agents — garlic or vitamin E, agents that increase fecal absorption and excretion of mobilized Hg, exercise, lymphatic drainage, etc.)

  5. Diagnosing the secondary infection

  6. Determining an appropriate antibiotic (actually termed anti-microbial to distinguish from antibacterial agents) regimen (medical antibiotics, antifungals, antivirals, Enderlein remedies, ozone therapy, etc.)

  7. Monitoring the patient carefully form visit to visit to respond quickly to untoward effects most often caused by plugged up exit routes. With this approach, many patients that were chronically ill and did not respond to other approaches will improve or get well.


However, the thoughts expressed thus far do not answer one important question. Why do patients deposit the mercury and toxins in a specific area of their body? Some deposit mercury in their hypothalamus (and develop multiple hormone problems), or in their limbic system (depression). Others deposit it in the adrenal glands (fatigue), or in their bones (osteoporosis, leukemia). Some in the pelvis (interstitial cystitis), in the autonomic and sensory ganglia (chronic pain syndromes); some in the connective tissue (scleroderma, lupus, rheumatism, fibromyalgias), or in the cranial nerves (tinnitus, cataracts, TMJ problems, loss of smell), or in the muscles (fibromyalgia). There seems to be multiple causes:


  • Past physical trauma (such as closed head injury) will make the brain susceptible to becoming a storage site for lead, aluminum and mercury.


  • Food allergies often cause low-grade inflammation in a susceptible site of the body, setting up those areas to become targets for toxic deposits.


  • Geopathic stress due to living or sleeping near underground water lines or electrical equipment and transformers. Metals apparently concentrate in the body regions most compromised.


  • Physical scars from surgery, trauma, or an infection can create abnormal electrical signals that can alter the function of the ANS (autonomic nervous system). The abnormal impulses often cause areas of vasoconstriction and hypoperfusion, which again become metal storage sites. 


  • Structural abnormalities — TMJ problems and cranial-sacral dysfunctions often are responsible for impairment of blood flow and lymphatic drainage in affected areas.


  • Biochemical deficiencies — For example, a chronic zinc deficiency makes the prostate susceptible since it has a large turnover of zinc. In lieu of zinc (Zn++), the prostate incorporates other 2-valent metals (such as Hg++, Pb++).


  • Environmental toxicity (solvents, pesticides, wood preservatives, etc.) has a synergistic effect with most toxic metals. Metals will often accumulate in body parts that have been chemically injured.


  • Unresolved psycho-emotional trauma and unresolved problems in the family system. This is by far the most common factor determining where metals will be stored in the body and which infectious agent will thrive in what area of the body. This issue has been underestimated by most, due in part to a lack of insight and acceptable conventional testing and treatment options. Use of biofeedback techniques with the subconscious mind are aimed at uncovering any unresolved past traumatic event and processing the material in a way that is healing to both the patient and their family. Patients who respond poorly to prior appropriate treatment often respond dramatically by unloading/reprogramming emotional material, correcting limiting beliefs and creating an opportunity for healing. In fact, every parameter of their biochemistry, including bio-terrain measurements like tissue and blood pH, osmolality, conductivity but also including hormone levels, mineral levels, etc. move in a direction toward normal after successful emotional therapies. In our office, using Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) and/or Thought Field Therapy (TFT), results are often dramatic and permanent.


The disease model that is emerging from these observations:


The symptom is that which is visible or apparent and usually the reason the you comes to our office or any health care provider. Underneath or within it, there is often a chronic infection. Underneath the infection, there is an altered milieu. In other words the internal environment of the tissue and cells allows/enables a microbe to remain. The alteration of the internal milieu is often due to the presence of toxic metals. Underneath that, the reason why it is there (other than the obvious necessary exposure), the selection of location, the choice of metal — are all created and guided by the subconscious mind and determined by the type, severity and date of unresolved psycho-emotional trauma or material.

Metal Toxicity: Welcome

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