Jeremy E. Kaslow, MD

Medical Care
The goal of my practice is to provide the most useful modalities for the most common problems I encounter. Some diagnostic procedures can be performed more accurately or less expensively than I can provide in my office. For these, I refer to other facilities outside of the office. Some examples are x-rays, CT and MRI scans, mammograms, ultrasounds, pap smears, bone density scans.
Most of the services I have chosen to provide in the office are the ones that I believe are either not readily available, more convenient to perform on-site, or perform better. With this philosophy, the following is a partial list of services currently available in the office:
Heart function (EKG and heart rhythm), lung function (peak flow and full spirometry), ear fluid (tympanogram), body fat and water content (plethysmography), urinalysis, vital signs, complete physical exam (excludes breast and female pelvic), etc. Our back-office staff is very skilled at collecting and processing all types of blood lab specimens. By having blood drawn and processed in the office, we can ensure that the specialized tests we use are correctly done and that you don’t need to bring the test kits with you to a laboratory that is usually unfamiliar with the unique requirements. Please always come in FASTING without having taken any medications, supplements, hormones, etc. beforehand to have your lab drawn unless specifically directed otherwise. Moderate water intake is encouraged. It is a good idea to schedule the lab collection so that we can accommodate you without a wait. Furthermore, some specimens have to be sent earlier in the week.
Currently, we offer Electronic Needle-less Acupuncture, Frequency Specific Microcurrent, Class IV Lasers, Low-Level Lasers (LLL), Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF), Hyperphoton Therapy (HPT), AmpCoil, and Diathermy using mineral heat lamps is available. We focus on healing techniques rather than pain-blocking techniques such as TENS, inferential, etc. We avoid the harsh, disruptive modality of ultrasound.
We have employed Frequency Specific Microcurrent with consistent success for several years. By gentle energizing the tissue and then giving it precise instructions, healing often occurs even in the most refractory and chronic conditions.
Dr. Kaslow has been using Neural Therapy since June 2000. It is one of the most powerful tools used in practice for breaking through previously refractory cases. Along with the same strategy, Biopuncture using microdoses of biomodulators has been a powerful tool for pain, chronic injuries, detoxification, etc.
Prolozone injections into joints and around joints have thus far been quite successful even for those with severe degeneration and trauma. The bones and structures around the joints most amenable to Prolozone have been the knees, shoulders, ankles and Achilles tendon, lumbar and cervical spine, and elbows. We have had very favorable results for chronic pain sites, including tendinitis, surgical scars, fibromyalgia, and plantar fasciitis.
Adds a powerful tool to address a variety of neurocognitive conditions. Some of the reported symptoms that have benefited from MicroCurrent Neurofeedback include:
Anxiety including symptoms of panic attacks, generalized anxiety and PTSD, impulse control, irritability, emotional outbursts or wide emotional fluctuations, anger and rage, explosiveness, and fears.
Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms including hypervigilance, irritability, restlessness, and sleeping problems.
Depression including bipolar conditions, lack of joy and flat emotions, social withdrawal, feelings of helplessness, deep sadness, loss of energy, lack of motivation, and loss of sense of humor.
Head trauma including those with mild/moderate Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), concussions, blast injuries, strokes, brain or cranial surgeries, seizures.
Cognitive dysfunction including ADD/ADHD, some learning disabilities, brain fog, cognitive deficits from stroke, poor memory, being unable to do more than one thing at a time, problems following conversations and reading material, problems absorbing and understanding what people say, problems of clarity, thinking and estimating clearly.
Obsessiveness including compulsions, individuals who say their brain won’t stop, some aspects of autistic spectrum disorders, sleep disorders.
Addictions including those to alcohol, prescription medications, sleep medications, nicotine/cigarettes, and recreational substances. (cocaine, marijuana, etc.)
Fatigue and Pain conditions including fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, neuro-inflammatory states (eg- microglial activation), EMF sensitivities, and Oppositional Defiant Disorders.
With a focus on specific diets, whole food supplements, allergen avoidance, metabolic needs, etc. Based on lab tests and in-office testing, we can determine vitamin, mineral, essential fatty acid needs, toxic metal exposure, yeast overgrowth conditions, food sensitivities, intestinal permeability and function, acid-base balance, etc.
Are powerful tools to unblock emotional imprints that sabotage your recovery. As mentioned in the section on management principles, emotional health should be considered with the same respect and approach as physical well-being. Vanessa in our office is an excellent facilitator in this area of health using NET, REBA-PSE testing, and Bio-Reprogramming. Additional information regarding BioReprogramming can also be found at, which is the official website for this powerful technique.
Although we do not perform this technique in our office, I strongly recommend exploring Family Constellation Therapy. I have personally gone through this therapy, which is derived from the work of Bert Hellinger. We are fortunate to have an excellent resource in central Orange County for this type of psychological counseling.
We used to offer skin testing, but we have found that assays from blood samples and BioResonance evaluations (BRT) are very helpful and satisfactory in most cases. We have access to food IgE, IgA, and IgG tests using blood samples. There are additional home and in-office techniques that we find insightful and valuable. Low Dose Allergen (LDA) and Low Dose Immunotherapy (LDI) is an effective technique for allergy and autoimmunity symptoms due to inhalant allergens, foods, viruses, bacteria, yeasts, parasites, vaccines, etc.
Using urine, saliva, conventional blood work, symptom surveys, and physical testing help determine your metabolic state.
Based on genetic design, detailed questionnaires, basal body temperature and pulse profiles, blood, urine, or saliva monitoring, and of course, response to appropriate therapy. Dr. Kaslow has treated both men and women with combinations of natural non-prescription compounds as well as “prescription-only” bio-identical hormones based on your particular philosophy and need.
Via a single afternoon urine specimen has provided great insights into the biochemical cause of anxiety, panic disorder, insomnia, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, migraines, etc. Neurotransmitter Repletion has been an effective option for many of my patients. Most of the time urine testing is not necessary to initiate or even manage neurotransmitter balancing.
Using in-office survey forms, urine and saliva testing, Electro-Interstitial Scanning (EIS), and single nerve sensory conduction studies (SCNT). We find our Meridian Energy Assessment a valuable tool for gathering data about your acupuncture meridian status. It may provide insight when no other pattern emerges. These tests may be considered non-standard and therefore can not be used alone to make a diagnosis, which usually requires a combination of data and insight from multiple sources. REBA testing and Bio-Resonance testing, and LARET are also available. As part of our research program, Non-Linear Stress testing has provided very intriguing insights into some of the more complicated conditions. It is important to limit the conclusions made from these techniques and as such should not be considered diagnostic, but rather insightful and possibly helpful in understanding the overall situation with a given individual.
Goes beyond a standard EKG and includes functional nerve-muscle evaluations through a heart sound recorder and heart rate variability using the Health and Nerve Express program to identify your physical fitness and autonomic nervous system balance, etc. Because cardiovascular disease is so common and often difficult to identify “at-risk” individuals, we also measure blood vessel elasticity and integrity using a Digital Plethysmograph Assessment. This is a rapid non-invasive test done on your finger. We also rely on blood tests done through a commercial lab to aid identifying risks for atherosclerosis, strokes, clots, hypertension, heart failure, etc. – oxidized LDL, Lp-PLA2 activity, C-Reactive Protein, apo-lipoproteins, homocysteine, Lp (a), Galectin, b-Natrurietic Peptide, Myeloperoxidase, ADMA/SDMA, omega-3 and 6 ratio profiles, and others. Heart Sound Recording provides insight into the efficiency of the nervous system control and the muscles using the muscle using the heart as an indicator.
We have been performing thermography since 2006 with state-of-the-art equipment. Dr. Kaslow has been trained by one of the most experienced, well-respected thermographers in the world. The procedure is entirely non-invasive, safe, discrete, and has excellent predictive value for early detection of abnormal breast physiology. Although not a replacement for X-ray mammograms, functional thermography not only serves as an early warning system for trouble but may help determine an appropriate management strategy. In April 2012, the software program was upgraded to enable full-body thermography in addition to breast thermogram imaging. This has enabled a much more holistic view of the body and provides a better understanding of the structure and physiology from the head to the feet. Dr. Kaslow reads the thermogram with you.
Low-Level Laser (LLLT) remains a powerful adjunct to treating oral, dental and upper respiratory infections. The mechanism of this FDA approved modality include stimulating the cells and tissue to function optimally. In addition, we have had dramatic responses reported using our Photon Directed Action (PDA) protocol for allergens and toxins. Several patients have virtually eliminated their allergy symptoms and medication needs using this technique. Our gratitude to William Cowden, MD for his guidance and training. Our Multi-lumen device from Advanced Light Devices has been consistently been helpful for pain and healing.
Fat reduction has never been as successful or consistent in my experience using any other program except for the Very Low-Calorie Fat Reduction Program. Popularized by Dr. Simeone and now widely used in the U.S.A., it not only fits our whole-food approach but maybe the answer for patients with diabetes, insulin resistance, sleep apnea, etc. It has been effective for those who need to lose a significant amount of weight (60+ pounds) as well as those who want to lose a few pounds of fat in a particular area of the body (belly fat). For more information call (714) 565-1036 and ask for Emily.
Our front office staff may submit a claim to your insurance carrier UNLESS you are enrolled in Medicare, Medi-Cal, TriCare, or an HMO. Even if we are not listed in the book as a preferred provider, insurance reimbursement directly to you is often available. Although we are not a contracted provider for any insurance company and are considered out of network, we may submit an insurance claim for you after you have paid in full for the services you received. Generally, a portion of the fee is covered by these carriers. A web page explaining why we do not participate in any insurance programs is presented for your review.
Not all services are covered by insurance due to the nature of fulfilling the criteria of “medical necessity” or limitations on “unapproved techniques and services.” We also tend to monitor our patients more frequently until we are certain they are in biochemical homeostasis. If you are uncertain, please ask first.
Our fees represent our cash price. We accept checks, debit cards, Visa, and MasterCard. Click here for a list of estimated common fees.