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Arthritis –
an Infection?

Arthritis – an Infection?: Welcome

Mycoplasmas are prokaryotes, cellular organisms lacking any true nuclei and nuclear membranes. Rather, the nuclear material of prokaryotes consists of a single double-stranded DNA molecule, not associated with basic proteins. Mycoplasmas are the smallest of all free-living self-replicating bacteria known. [1] They possess no cell wall and only a limited genome of between 600 to 1500 kbp. This characteristic makes them highly dependent upon their host for survival, much like viruses. [2,3] Several studies implicate Mycoplasma species as cofactors in numerous clinical conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, and the Gulf War syndrome. [4-6] If any patients exhibit overlapping symptoms of chronic illnesses, Mycoplasma invasion should be considered as a reason and defined by microscopic evaluation of the patients’ blood. [7,8]

In 1970 Mycoplasma fermentans was first found in the synovial (joint) fluid of rheumatoid arthritis patients. It has also been suspected of being associated with other forms of arthritis as well according to the study published in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology (January 2000; 38: 90-93). The synovial fluid of patients with different types of arthritis was studied. M. fermentans was detected in 88% of both the rheumatoid arthritis and non-rheumatoid arthritis patients, including gout, reactive arthritis, pauciarticular juvenile chronic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and psoriatic arthritis. Four different strains of the organism were found. Mycoplasma fermentans was not detected in any of the osteoarthritis patients.

PCR technology is one of the most sensitive ways to diagnose infections. It is a gene amplification technique that can multiply incredibly minute portions of the item being searched for. Given the ability to prove infection and the fact that 50 years ago Dr. Brown realized that fighting the infection with antibiotics was far better than using steroids. He was a major pioneer and helped over ten thousand patients with RA. He has been dead for over ten years. Traditional medicine uses antibiotics but there are far more effective natural approaches available in our office

It is important to note that this Mycoplasma is not restricted to inflammatory arthritis patients and was actually detected in the saliva of 44% of healthy people. Other forms of Mycoplasma have been proven to cause arthritis in animals.


1. Grau, O., et al. Development of PCR-based assays for the detection of two human mollicute species. Mycoplasma penetrans and M. Hominia. Molecular and Cellular Probes 8:139-148, 1994.

2. Baseman, J.B. and Tully, J.G. Mycoplasmas: Sophisticated, reemerging, and burdened by their notoriety. Emerging Infectious Diseases 3:21-32, 1997.

3. Lo, Sk.C., et at. Virus-like infectious agent (VLIA) is a novel pathogenic Mycoplasma: Mycoplasma incognitus. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 41:586-600, 1989.

4. Vojdani, A., et al. Detection of Mycoplasma genes and Mycoplasma fermentans by PCR in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. FEMS 1998.

5. Schaeverbeke, T. et at. Systematic detection of Mycoplasmas by culture and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in 209 synovial fluid samples. British Journal of Rheumatology 36:310-314, 1997.

6. Nicolson, G.L., and Nicolson, N.L. Diagnosis and treatment of Mycoplasmal infections in Persian Gulf War Illness-CFIDS patients. International Journal of Occupational Medicine, Immunology and Toxicology 5(1):69-78, 1996.

7. Buchwald, D., and Garrity, D. Comparison of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and multiple chemical sensitivities. Archives of internal Medicine 154:2049-2053,1994.

8. Ziem, G., and Done, A. Chronic infections as a common etiology for many patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and Gulf War Illness. International Journal of Medicine 154:1913, 1995.

Arthritis – an Infection?: Welcome

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